Description: Hooks are user customizable executables that may be run at specific points during the site generation process. Markup: rst To make the static site more dynamic(pun intended) Pagegen can run executables (hooks) at preset times, during the generation process. To enable a hook make the appropriate hook file executable (``chmod +x hooks/hook_file``). ================== ==================================== Name Description ================== ==================================== pre_generate Run before generation starts post_generate Run when generation complete pre_generate_page Run before page generation starts post_generate_page Run when page generation complete deploy Run when site ready for deployment post_deploy Run last (also after deploy scripts) ================== ==================================== .. tip:: Run ``pgn --init`` on empty directory and see ``hooks`` directory for examples. To use an example remove ``.example`` and ensure the script is executable. Run one of the example hooks to see the available environment variables. All settings in the current ``site.conf`` environment are set, named ``PAGEGEN_``. :: $ cd hooks $ mv pre_generate.example pre_generate $ chmod +x pre_generate $ pgn -g